March 18, 2024
Hello fellow Scouters, I am saddened that there has been a rash of politically-based posting by fellow scouters within and without of CTSA. I would provide this wisdom from B-P himself: “The Scoutmaster who is a hero to his boys holds a powerful lever to their development but at the same time brings a great responsibility on himself. They are quick enough to see the smallest characteristic about him, whether it be a virtue or a vice.” As Scouters, everything we do is seen by the youth and the families to which we serve. To this extent, the things we say, be it in front of youth, in front of parents, or in social media, reflects on our organization, not on an individual. We are all entitled to feel enraged, or encouraged by our local, provincial and federal governments, but you must be thoughtful that expressing these feelings in a public way, where people know you are a member of Scouting can and often will become polarizing. As members of higher levels of the association, those of us in leadership positions over other volunteers, Deputy Commissioners and Directors, we must maintain a professional approach and image in all things we communicate. Canada is still many months away from a Federal election, and although some Provinces will be undertaking their own elections, I would state that, the Association cannot be seen as supporting a single political agenda. Quoting directly from our adopted PO&R, Section 1, Document 5: 1. The Association maintains neutrality on issues of politics, regardless of personal preference or persuasion. The Association cannot be seen to favour a specific political personality nor party policy. 2. The Association cannot be perceived by members, parents nor by the community to endorse a specific political party, candidate, or policy. As such this means that no images either still or video, of members of the Association, insignia of the association, nor audio of association are to be used in conjunction with political advertising or publicity. 3. Members of the Association cannot canvas for, promote or otherwise endorse members of a political party at the municipal, provincial or federal level while in identifiable Association uniform. In closing, I would ask all members to be informed of the political situation surrounding us, to be mindful that we are representing Scouting and work with impressionable families and youth. And that we follow the established policies of the CTSA in regards to our conduct.
National CommissionerOur National Commissioner as of November 25, 2023 is Kenneth (Ken) Weir. Archives
March 2024
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