Next Event:
Scouter's Retreat 2024
Pootcorners Alpaca Farm, Palmerston, ON September 13 - 15 $50.00 per person including Food and Materials Link to Registration The next big event coming up is the annual Scouter's Retreat being held at Poot Farms. This event is for all adult scouters and is a time for socializing, learning, fun and fellowship. |
Other Events:
Upcoming events will be added here
Long Range Events
All-Ontario CTSA Timbercar Rally, April 2025
CTSA Ontario All Sections Jamboree - June 2025
WOIS 1st World Jamboree - February 2026, Chile, South America
The WOIS first World Jamboree will be held at Hacienda Picarquin just outside Santiago Chile in February 2026. Originally this event was to take place in February 2020 right as COVID-19 overtook scouting around the world.
This event is open to youth ages 11 to 17. Those over 17 wishing to participate under offer of service can do so with a separate application. For more information on the Jamboree, go to |