Busy and Bright!
Otters are the youngest section in our Association with children joining at the age of 5 years of age and going to the Timber Wolf Pack at the age of 8.
The unit is known as an “Otter Romp” and both boys and girls may join. Your child will learn about cooperation and getting along with others through non-competitive games, music, campfires, crafts, and outdoor activities including camping. Otters learn useful family skills, community skills, and learn to play safely together. There is a proficiency badge system of “paws”, a Safety Badge, Service Badge, and a Camping Badge. The highest award is the Swimming Otter Badge. Otters have meetings once a week for one hour. Each meeting contains a variety of activities. A typical meeting consists of the opening ceremony, a game, a craft or other activity, a story, and the closing ceremony. |